A summer wedding at the King valley golf club — acornproduction.ca photos+videos

A summer wedding at the King valley golf club

Jinhee and Owen picked the perfect date for their summer outdoor wedding at the King Valley Golf Club near Toronto, Canada.  The day time temperature was surprisingly tepid for an unusually hot summer in Toronto.  The wedding ceremony happened under the shade of a few big trees, with occasional breezes. Jinhee and Owen emphasized on keeping the wedding simple, while keeping the avid golfers in attendance happy.  The sweet couple chose a late afternoon wedding ceremony.  This allows some of the wedding guests to play a round of golf before attending the ceremony!

We drove around the golf course and found a lot of great spots for wedding portraits.  Despite being in long distance relationship for years, there is no shortage of love between this charming couple.  When I asked where they are heading for honeymoon, their reply was "we just want to be able to see and touch each other every day".

It was a pleasure to document this lovely couple's summer wedding at the King Valley Golf Club.  Here are a few photos we would like to share:

One of the wedding guests drove by and took a quick snap of the beautiful couple.