A Summer Wedding at the Miller Lash House — acornproduction.ca photos+videos

A Summer Wedding at the Miller Lash House

Millar Lash House Wedding

The Millar Lash House is a historic mansion built in the 1900s by a wealthy business man. Today it is used to host weddings and other events. The venue is located in a quiet and secluded area of Scarborough off Old Kingston Road, about 25-min drive from downtown Toronto. It may not be as well known as other similar wedding venues such as the Graydon Hall Manor or the Guild Inn Estate, but it is a good alternative if you value privacy and open space.

Wedding Day Morning

Candy and Dickson picked the perfect summer day for their wedding.  The weather was gorgeous and the temperature was just right.  The day started just like any traditional Chinese wedding.  The groom went to pick up the bride early in the morning.  But he had to go thru a series of challenges, also known as wedding door games.  If he failed a test, he or his groomsmen would be penalized with some deliciously looking appetizers.  Don't be fooled by the appearance - they don't taste as good as look! 

Chinese tea Ceremony

After Dickson successfully picked up Candy , the next event is the tea ceremony.  It is a significant event for the bridge and groom to show respect to their elderly.  It involved kneeing down in front of each pair of family member and serve them cups of teas.  In return, they will receive a gift, usually a red pocket.  For the bride, she may also receive traditional Chinese jewelries such as gold bracelets and necklaces.

Inside the Miller Lash House

After the tea ceremony, we drove to the venue to get things ready. There are several small rooms inside the Miller Lash house with big windows. They are perfect for bride and groom preparation photos.

Outdoor Ceremony

Right in front of the house is a long pathway in the middle of a garden. It is the perfect spot for a beautiful outdoor ceremony.

Miller Lash House Wedding Day Photos

After the ceremony, we took advantage of the huge open air grassland and a colorful garden for wedding photos.


Miller Lash House Wedding Reception

The wedding reception took place inside a tent.  It is surprisingly spacious and can easily host over 200 guests with a dance floor in the middle. In addition to cake cutting and speeches, an indispensable part of a Chinese wedding is games. Games is a great way to keep the guests engaged and have fun at a wedding. They are also excellent photo opportunities. The first game required the bride and groom collect plastic balls from each table and transport them without hands. The second game was a time competition of puncturing balloons by sitting on each other. Another Chinese wedding tradition is table toasting, in which the couple and their immediate family go to each table and thank guests for attending. 

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